Third Part Inspection
With reduced product lifecycles and time to market, the challenge of providing quality products on time increases. If a product is found not to meet quality specifications suitable for the market (at or after the production phase), the resulting risk of loss of product and revenue, delayed shipment or waste materials, and product recalls can occur.
Third-party inspection is the verification of product quality against predetermined quality specifications before, during, and/or after the manufacturing process. Before the production process, raw materials can be inspected to determine whether they meet their specifications. During the manufacturing process, products are inspected at the factory to verify that quality requirements and specifications are met. After production, goods can be checked before loading and unloading to confirm that the approved final product has been sent and received according to the buyer's requirements. Inspections at various stages of production can help both buyers and manufacturers monitor that quality requirements for the product are being met, which can support the timely delivery of quality products.
1. to strengthen and protect the brand and reputation
2. Improve suppliers' performance and product quality to minimize the risk of product loss, rejection, refunds, and recalls.
3. Ongoing improvement of quality systems and performance for the benefit of both the buyer and the manufacturer
4. Protect sales revenue by assisting in the prevention of late shipments, poor quality, squandered materials, or empty shelves.